Health Screening

Health Screening is very important to Thunderlands Labradors, All Our Current Dogs are

“DNA Clear” for all of the following genetic conditions –

PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)

CNM (Centronuclear Myopathy)

EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse)

SD2 (Dwarfism / Skeletal Dysplasia 2)

HNPK (Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis)

MCD (Macular Corneal Dystrophy)

STGD (Stargardt Disease)

The above tests are in addition to the following
BVA / KC (British Veterinary Association / Kennel Club) Health Screening Schemes – 

BVA / KC  Eye Testing Scheme

Hip Dysplasia Screening

Elbow Dysplasia Screening

  All our Dogs are given regular vet checks to ensure they are in peak condition and health.
 They are fully Vaccinated and kept up to date with booster vaccinations.
 Routine worm and flea treatments are given as a matter of course.

Thunderlands Nozomi – Livvie

“Breeding Success Throughout the Generations”

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